A NAP CÉLJA, hogy megvédje az ecuadori
Juan Moricz - born as Móricz Oposics János
(born in Körmend , Hungary, in 1923, died in Guayaquil, Ecuador in 1991)
Moricz on the left with Stan Hall in 1972 in Ecuador.
Hungarians who are famous in the world, are not really favored in their mother country. This is quite a “hungaricum”, a unique - and sad -Hungarian aspect of life.
Móricz János, known internationally as Juan Moricz, is one of them. After World War II he migrated to Argentina, and hence his life is a real adventure story. This is not his fault that even today there is so little spoken about him in Hungary. Moricz indeed paved and showed us an outstanding way both as a man of morals and as a researcher. The theory of an Argentinean of basque origin Florencio de Basaldúa (engineer, writer, traveler, geographer, philosopher) puts him on a track that leads him to Ecuador and the Tayos Caves with breathtaking findings of a long-lost civilization before the Great Flood, Moricz was nearly “shocked” by Basaldúa’s theory, which says that some European people (like the Basque) seems to have an origin in the Americas, ridiculously called today the New World. Before the Spanish and Portuguese (and later English and French) colonisation this incredible land was called AWIA YALA by its natives. It is well documented that Columbus “did not bump” accidently into the Americas but had a map of Piri Reis in his hands to open gates for the shameful robbery project.
Moricz begins a feverish investigation. Basaldúa’s theory was not alone. It is supported by hundreds and thousands-year-old archeological findings and reports that clearly tell us that the history of mankind is different from what is being taught at schools. Only some examples of the many: Fray Gregorio Garcia: Origen de los indios del Nuevo Mundo y de India Occidental, Madrid 1729, writes about scythian-hun findings in the land of the present Peru; The Kon-Tiki expedition of Thor Heyeldahl; the academic papers and research of many scholars like Zsigmond Varga, János Horváth, Jenő Csicsáky, Ferenc Cserép- the latter was excluded from the Hungarian Academy becouse of his work The origin of Hungarians is America; also Apollinaire Frost talks about the south-American origins of Egyptians; of the Mouth of the Amazonas (island Marajo): Frobenius talks of Etruscan findings there; Capt. Pizzaro reports to the Spanish King that „the natives have fairer skins than us Spaniards. "
Why can't these facts be found in our textbooks?
Well, to discuss in details the reasons would need more than one book, but one thing is for certain: if every single person in this world knew clearly that a HUMAN is not only a being who happened to be evolved at the end of a lamentable monkey chain; and that before us our ancestors - and here please be broadly open minded to think of not only a few thousand but some hundred thousand years back – had already developed civilizations, even more modernized than our actual one today, the Sons of Mammon would not have power over us.
„ The Sons of Mammon close the space-time (from my book: The Gold Gate) What does it mean? Sons of Mammon - the people only of this dimension - try to make us believe that a Human is just a body , lives approx. 70-90 years and life is jnothing more than what we can perceive with our senses. Hence we are basically tuned to fear of death and concentrate only for what the body needs. This is the ideal breeding climate of the money world. They wouldn’t have power over awaken God-like beings, only over the monkey descendants, closed in body, closed in only 3 dimensions.
Back to Juan Moricz. He goes to Ecuador where his job (goldmine excavations and concessions) requires him to wonder about the Amazonas-region of Ecuador for years, the land of the shuars (region Morona-Santiago, South-Ecuador). Slowly he makes friends with the chiefs of the local tribes, and gradually the locals introduce Moricz into his secrets and legends. We cannot neglect their reason for being so trustful: this is the fact, that many words of their ancient language and that of the old, archaic Hungarian (that is before the language reform in the 18th century) are similar or have a close resonance and meaning. The same stand for their family names like Jokay, Zalai, Saka, Zoyomi (Zólyom or Sólyom?). His new friends tell him that originally the actual capital of Ecuador, Quito was called Kitus, meaning what it means in present Hungarian also: Két ős, that is two ancestors. They say that indeed Quito was established by two brotherly tribe, now living far away from each other. Considering the theories together with these new information, Moricz cannot help but start digging deeper and deeper into this incredible possibility in the hope to find reasons acceptable for the intellect as well. The chiefs of the Colorado people (colorado means: coloured, but here referring to the white-skinned people whose cheek turn “reddish” in the tough highland winds of the Andes; I myself was called colorada, colored-skin woman even in Lima) come to an agreement with the chiefs of the Shuar tribes that together they would reveal their secrets deep in the caves under the Andes. The most important hidden “keepers” of the labyrinth system (one of the tribe of them has the name Bela – a Hungarian first name) decided that “time has come to reveal the NEW KNOWLEDGE” . So they lead Moricz to a very-well hidden entrance, the only one that is connected to the most sacred and most secret chamber called the “ Gold Library”.
In the course of time Móricz expresses his wish to organize an expedition to show the world what he himself had seen. He receives the approval of the tribes upon one condition: he MUST previously obtain serious governmental guarantees that NOTHING would be touched less moved from the actual location. He wasn’t granted any. The officials made promises but after a long time Moricz gave up to reach any support from governments. The Mormon Church also made him a good offer in return of revealing the findings – saying that the gold plates in the caves must be identical to what angel Moroni showed to Joseph Smith. Moricz, without other hope, seems to consider their help but later, after some bitter experience with the Mormons, would clearly cut off any cooperation.
And here came in the picture the Scottish Stan Hall with British money for an expedition. (Stan Hall, writer of the book: Tayos Gold – the archives of Atlantis.) The two of them met for the first time in Guayaquil, Ecuador, in 1972. Inspired by Moricz, Hall quickly understands the importance of the secret findings in the Tayos Caves that might easily re-write the history of the humankind. Stan Hall had the power to move the British government (Hungarian official ears are still deaf to the matter) and could set up finally the 1976-expediton, with Neal Armstrong, the first American astronaut setting feet on the Moon as honorable head. As no governmental guarantees arrived until the day of the expedition, Moricz withdrew and kept the location of the entrance in secret, as he had promised to the ''keepers”. There is nothing to wonder that the expedition, without Moricz, was not able to find the only entrance to the Gold Library. It may be the only - fortunate - reason that the findings are still down there in the Caves untouched.
I myself invited Stan Hall in the spring of 2008 to come to Hungary and share his knowledge with us. Hall was more than happy to do it, as he always emphasized that Hungarians should take a much bigger part in he whole story (by the way, let me thank Stan Hall here again that he cared about and supported so much Moricz’s theory, that he shares his admiring thoughts on our culture even on his actual webpage www.goldlibrary.com) Unfortunately, too much of a sudden and at an early age Stan Hall died the same year.
Another well-known figure appears on the scene in 1972: Erich von Daniken. Though he published an again bestseller on the Moricz topic by the title The Gold of Gods, Moricz claims that many of Daniken’s statements proves to be intentionally very false, especially when he declares that Moricz had taken him to the Gold Library, which never happened, stated Moricz. The latter declares that he had taken Daniken only to a partial cave entrance of no importance to the labyrinth system.
One of the best books ever written on the whole story is Lyrico y Profundo by the Argentinian writer Guillermo Aguirre , Aguirre knew Moricz very well for many years and was also a childhood friend of the also Argentinean Julio Goyen of basque origin who was the only person whom Moricz indeed took to the Gold Library. The findings of the Tayos Cave are unbelievable but unknown to the public until this day. There is document with the detailed listing of the artifacts of the Gold Library, signed by the President of Ecuador of that time.
What did Moricz find?
Quoting 7 descriptions from Stan Hall’s webpage (www.goldlibrary.com)
General Description of the Treasure of the Tayu (Tayhuantinsuyu)
1. A library consisting of thousands of metal books on shelves, each weighing about 20 kilograms, pages stamped on one side with ideographs, geometric designs and inscriptions.
2. A second library of hard, polished, rectangular, translucent plates, each with parallel, encrusted channels, laid on gold-leafed trestles.
3. Hundreds of zoomorphic and human statues, some on heavy plinths, representing various species of animals and insects, also humans in different positions displaying a variety of emotions.
4. 'Metal' bars of various shapes, together with toys and piles of alluvial gold.
5. Instruments for making buttons and jewelry.
6. Sealed doors (possibly tombs) covered in semi-precious stones.
7. A sarcophagus of translucent material containing a large, gold-leafed, human skeleton .
Many of the gold plates has still unresolved ancient writings. Many of the artifacts resembles with their ancient Egyptian, Caldean and / or old Mesopotamian siblings. Father Crespi, an Italian Silesian priest in Cuenca, Ecuador collected many artifacts from other parts of the Cave systems brought to him by the native locals.
Some surprising items from the Crespi collection:
Similar to this statuette others are registered in European musems under the names Dagon or Oannes, in Caldean culture. Fishscales on ancient statuettes represent a serious topic, if you think of other "fish-gods" like Vishnu in India. having some idea of our ancestors deep cosmic knowledge, we dont really think that they reffered to real fish and men cross-breed beiongs as gods, much rather wearing a fish-like "costume", these Gods or ancient Masters and Iniciated High Priests brought over the old and saved knowledge from before the Great Flood to the New Worlds and civilizations. (the legs of a statuette represent the roots, the back represents the past, as the front represents the future, the head level represents the spirit).
Who has ever seen a Partian or Hun noble person, would not hesitate linking this statiuette to this culture. The snake, again at head level which represents the sprituality, refers to sacred healing power, as int the case of Imhotep-Asklepios.
Winged Nimrod? Its siblings are registered and displayed at the British Museum in London as the gate keeper winged lion at the Khorsabad Assyrian royal palace.
Father Crespi in his backyard in Cuenca, Ecuador, with a huge goldplate.Below is another goldplate. More info on Stan Hall's webpage www.goldlibrary.com.