A katolikus egyházfővel együtt tízen vetélkednek a díjért, köztük két, brit valóság-show sztár. Egyikük Faryl Smith, aki a Britain's Got Talentben (Csillag születik) tűnt fel. A másik Rhydian Roberts, aki az X-Factor című ugyancsak tehetségkutató műsorban lett közismert. A pápának egy hivatásrendbeli ellenfele is van, méghozzá egy római katolikus énektrió, amelynek neve a „Papok”.
Az év albumának címét közszavazással nyeri el a győztes, akinek személyét május 13-án jelentik be Londonban. Tavaly a királyi skót dudások együttese győzött.
Alma Mater Featuring the Voice of Pope Benedict XVI
Exclusive Deluxe Editionhttp://store.universal-music.co.uk/restofworld/Artists/Muscfronthevatican/icat/musicfromthevatican
'Music From The Vatican" - Alma Mater' is the first release on Geffen Records of modern classical music from the Choir of the Philharmonic Academy of Rome and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. The recording features prayers recited and sung by Pope Benedict XVI recorded during His Marian pilgrimages by Vatican Radio.
La voce del Papa nel Cd “Alma Mater – Music from the Vatican”
10/11/2009 19.54.38http://www.radiovaticana.org/it1/Articolo.asp?c=333467
La voce del Papa in otto brani inediti di musica sacra moderna. La possiamo trovare nel Cd “Alma Mater –Music from the Vatican”, presentato oggi in Campidoglio e realizzato grazie alle registrazioni fornite dalla Radio Vaticana. Arianna Voto:00:01:06:94
Benedict XVI sings on Vatican Music CD
Monsignor Colino stated:
“I can say with certainty that Pope Ratzinger has a wonderful musicality. I have known six Popes and none could sing as well as him or were as musically aware as he is: This will be evident when people listen to the album.”
Songs include: Regina Coeli, Advocata Nostra, Sancta Dei Genitrix and Auxilium Cristianorum.
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