"Hi, I AM Marjan Meijer, a freelance journalist, I settled on the Hungarian Puszta - in the middle of nowhere - after a walkabout through Europe. I started The Hearts Hotel, in the surroundings of Péteri Tó, a wildlife (mainly birds) reserve in the south-east of Hungary, near the Rumanian and Jugoslavian border. I live Stone Age style but have all i need and an Internetconnection, so I AM and feel connected to many people worldwide. I report about people and their different ways of living, thinking and feeling in these special times. And I love to share my own views on various experiences too."
- "Hungary and the Hungarian Language"
- " Iby Duba on ENOK VAGYOK - GODMAN"
- "Not one but TWO genes -"
- "Professor Wildred Penfield, an eminent scholar at McGill University, received a research assignment from the Rockefeller Foundation, to determine if there was a primordial human gene on Earth and if there was one to identify it. He didn't find ONE, but there appeared to be a second gene and that gene is Hungarian..."
- "Lightflash at pyramids in Giza"
- " Iby Duba"
- "Hungarian is according to Iby Duba the language being emphasized in the Bible, the Keys of Enoch and many other apocriphal scriptures as the Language of Light. The Universal Language of Fire, that can bring all and everything, always and everywhere, together; that will make us - human beings - free; that will bring us love and understanding and that will finally give us back our remembrance and memory about how it really was before...."
...and more...
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